Project Challenge Partner Sayurbox - How can e-groceries still be used in the post-pandemic era?
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Sayurbox is one of the online e-grocery platforms that provides fresh ingredients and high-quality healthy products directly from Indonesian farmers. With the existence of e-groceries like Sayurbox, of course, it is very easy for people to shop for their daily needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. No need to leave the house; just sit back and relax while ordering the products needed, then wait until the ordered products are delivered to the house. However, what about the current situation? The COVID-19 pandemic is now over. Public activities are no longer restricted, making people who used to use e-groceries to shop for necessities since the pandemic switch back to shopping directly at markets and supermarkets. Thus, it becomes one of the big challenges for e-groceries like Sayurbox to keep people using e-groceries when the pandemic is over. In this case I used Design Thinking as my design process approach. Design Thinking is very helpful for knowing user needs, knowing the problems faced by users, providing solution ideas from the problems faced by users, to evaluating the solutions provided to users.
Fika Apriliani
Partner Challenge
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