Supporting National Welfare Through CROWDE Website Redesign Experience

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Supporting National Welfare Through CROWDE Website Redesign ExperienceLihat Preview Showcase


Creating chances for small and medium-sized farmers to grow their businesses and put their ideas into action, along with initiatives to increase public confidence in the agriculture sector, is what we believe is necessary to address these difficulties. CROWDE is a platform that supports farmers by providing financial aid and cutting-edge technology recommendation. Working with CROWDE will help us raise living standards and encourage economic expansion in Indonesia. Now is the time to cultivate kindness! In this instance, we decide to adopt Design Thinking as our method of design. Design thinking enables collaboration between human needs, possibilities of technology, and requirements for business success. As a result of the current issues, it is well known that it is challenging for farmers to find partners who not only offer business loans, but also help and teach them to improve the quality of their business outcomes. After a series of problem formulation and idea mapping, we design a user flow to determine how the application will operate when utilized by the user. In prototyping stage, we arrange the UI into a process flow according to the solution idea and user flow that has been created. The prototype will be used for testing with users. I like this part the most because the designs I make can be very interactive. Our research leads us to the conclusion that users are generally happy with the website design we came up with based on the UX cases that have been conducted. Users can apply for a funding of money for agriculture with ease. The website prototype that we design according to the user also has no problems and is easy to understand. However, users suggest that Crowde add features as a platform for buying and selling agricultural or planting materials.


Catherine Pamela Felita

Partner Challenge



Crowde - Aplikasi Pemodalan Petani

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