Krealogi - New Features

Lihat Preview Showcase
Krealogi - New FeaturesLihat Preview Showcase


Krealogi merupakan wadah berjejaring serta mengembangkan keterampilan bagi pelaku UMKM. Di Virtual Internship ini, kami berempat dibentuk menjadi kelompok 5. Kamu melakukan research hingga testing secara bersama-sama. We got a brief from the challenge partner, so first, we do brainstorming from that information. In the first step, we define and categorise the pain points to catch the main problem. Then, we set the objectives and goals. Next step, we create information architecture and user flow to make an efective flow for the users. Of course, we do the crazy 8's to get some fresh insight. After gathering the concept, we decide to start designing from lo-fi to prototyping. Prototype ready, we conduct UT to test our design and get feedback for the next iteration. We got 6 out of 7, but we got a lot of homework to do from that UT. Yeah, we got another problem at this time cause we running out of time. it looks like we will work on the feedback at the next opportunity. Thanks for reading.


Tedi Setiady

Partner Challenge



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