Kitabisa App Redesign on Latest News and Fundraising Details

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Kitabisa App Redesign on Latest News and Fundraising DetailsLihat Preview Showcase


In this redesign Kitabisa app project, we want to make it donors easier to find the latest news updates after they finished donating and give donors more sense of trust in fundraisers so they can be sure before deciding to donate. So we try to answer the problem with "how might we help users access campaign updates easily, transparently, and interactively?". Then we made a design change on some pages such as adding a pop-up on the home page, making a category section in an inbox, do some changes to the latest news page, fundraising details, and fundraiser information, and doing the usability testing to validate our solution ideas. Our final total usability testing score is 5, which means it still has not passed technically. But overall the solutions that we offer are actually sufficient enough to answer the user’s needs when we ask directly in in-depth interviews.


Vira Ayu Indita Ashara

Partner Challenge



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