UX Challenge : Designing Digital Life Insurance called Jago Last Wish by Bank Jago

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UX Challenge : Designing Digital Life Insurance called Jago Last Wish by Bank JagoLihat Preview Showcase


This project is a challenge given by Skilvul in collaboration with Bank Jago, where in this project Bank Jago wants a Digital Life Insurance feature that is different from other Insurance features, where this feature can improve a different and positive experience for its users. Such as creating a digital will, easy ways to calculate the monthly payments required for the desired form of will, Management of commitments made and editing of wills, as well as gamification or creative ways related to a healthy lifestyle and fitness level that can lower the cost of monthly commitments. The method used in this project is the Design Thinking method. At the Empathize stage, Initial Finding is carried out, where Market Research & similar products are carried out such as Dana Impian (Tokopedia), Bibit, BNI Life, Sun Life Insurance, and Astra Life. In order to know the habits and knowledge of users of Life Insurance. Then the results of the Initial Finding, there are 80% of users have a statement, users are disappointed/don't like Life Insurance. Why? Do not know more about the Life Insurance system, so consider that Life Insurance is a Scam/Fraud, feel difficulty when making insurance claims, and consider life insurance not important. Then after knowing what are the obstacles or pain points based on research, it can be concluded that we must "Create a system/feature related to financial plans with a life insurance protection that is clear, easy, transparent, and fun for users, especially for the Millennial". After thinking about what to solve, we created several idea solutions such as creating gamification, interactive & useful features, creating several promotions, payment-related features, and user care-related features. Then after completing the idea solution, 5 Flows were created along with Prototypes related to registration/opening of Jago Last Wish, Editing Jago Last Wish Plan, Editing Will / Editing Name of Jago Last Wish, Claiming Jago Last Wish, and Gamification of User Health Challenge. Then, based on Flow & Prototype, Usability Testing was carried out on respondents with the criteria of having worker habits, liking technology, and being less aware of health. With Paint Points owned by respondents, such as lack of trust in life insurance, like to forget digital subscription payments, and assume that life insurance is not an important thing. And based on the Habit & Paint Point of our respondents, we set goals so that respondents can Open/Use Life Insurance services that are trusted, easy and fun to use. With Usability Testing carried out on respondents, there is positive feedback from respondents such as Like the design concept, very simple and easy to understand, Good design and easy to use, Flows and processes that are easily understood by ordinary users, and Information is accurate and does not make it difficult for users. The conclusion of this project, Based on the brief and research on potential users, in this case, we have successfully completed all stages of the design process and we have produced a design that is easy to use and pleasant for users. This can be proven from the results of usability testing. Respondents we have interviewed provide feedback and some very positive suggestions about the designs that have been made.


Julian Rizki Pratama

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