Gamification on Campaign Application
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This project is creating the interface of campaign application more interesting, clear, and easy to understand with gamification. The design process used design thinking framework. The gamification features have been designed are user collecting points, leader board, and reward to engage more supporter completed the challenge and unlocked more donation for wider social impact. It will be additional the flow as user journey to reach out the metrics: completion rate user.
Musthofa K Rangkuti
Partner Challenge
Showcase lainnya dari challenge ini, Sebuah Aplikasi Platform Gerakan Sosial
Campaign - ForChange Gamifikasi
Mutiara Alena Azizah

Gamification Features
Campaign - ForChange Gamifikasi
Fandi Pamungkas

Pembuatan Gamifikasi Aplikasi Campaign
Campaign - ForChange Gamifikasi
Muhammad Adiyatma Andhika Suryana