Aplikasi CRM Krealogi

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Aplikasi CRM KrealogiLihat Preview Showcase


The objective of this project is to design simple CRM apps that helps the users to store and organize customer and prospect data, and also to track customer interactions. We brainstormed all the problems that the target users might experience in running their small business and used How Might We (HMW) method as an opportunity to provide solution. We identified three core features to focus on for the product. From then on, we created wireframes, interface design, prototype, and conducted a test. We conducted usability testing to three users. Overall, they completed the task without any significant problems and we received minor feedbacks on the design. My biggest challenge was to design a simple CRM for mobile app. Considering the common CRM platforms are web-based, we struggled to decide what features to be included in such a small platform. We realized that our research hadn’t been thorough enough to create a human-centered product. It’s a shame that some of the decisions were made based on our assumptions.


Raiza Alika

Partner Challenge



Krealogi - Revamp Platform

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