Amartha Gold Investment

Lihat Preview Showcase
Amartha Gold InvestmentLihat Preview Showcase


This case study is a challenge of Amarta. Amartha is a platform-based website and app that allows you to make a loan, loan, saving and invest. we were given the challenge to make the process UI/UX to one of the new features, they want to add features gold investment as a continuation of the p2p lending to maximize the return as well as with the expectation and can be an additional attraction for the potential new user. Objective Find out how users experience investing. Find out what are the difficulties faced when investing. Create a gold investment feature that is easy to use and has a value to the maximum. Roles & Responsibility Our team consists of 3 Bootcamp students, my role in the team is generally as a UI/UX designer, we divide evenly so that each student in the team can do all the tasks as a UI/UX designer. as UI/UX designers our responsibilities are the same. Doing Research Doing Ux Design Create the UI Design Conduct User Research and Usability Testing Scope & Constraints In this challenge, we were assigned to design a Peer to peer lending, as well as to design a gold investment feature as a continuation of the p2p lending investment in Amartha, and the constraint faced was dividing time between work and doing this challenge. Tools That I Use Design Process To simplify the workflow from the beginning to the testing stage, we use the method of design thinking starts from the define, empathize, ideate, prototyping, and testing. Okay… I will share the process based on our experience during the Bootcamp UI/UX design. in the first week, we were given a challenge that will be sustained until the end to do the challenge. In the early stages we were asked to make the process of ideate, find out what might be the trouble when investing in gold digitally. we use Figma as a tool in this stage, if you think you will instantly create a design, of course not. we use the Figjam, new Figma features as a board discussion, we can treat Figma as a large whiteboard online. Pain Points We write down anything that may be a difficulty when investing. there are some difficulties that we have found. Affinity Diagram After writing the difficulties encountered, then we classify such difficulties become the affinity diagram to make it easier to take the decision of what problems we will solve. How Might We The next stage is to make the HMW and further into the idea of the solution that will be given to solve the problems that have been found. As well as providing solutions ideas, which are summarized in the scale of priority. and voting to determine the solution idea that will be implemented. Crazy 8's We made a wireframe using the crazy 8 methods to maximize the wireframe ideas that could be created and voted to determine which wireframe would be implemented into the hi-fi design. Gold Investment Flow After determining the wireframe based on the crazy 8s next is to create a user flow to gold investment, which is a feature of the challenge of the certificate. Prototype After creating the user flow, next, we create a wireframe user flow and also hi-fi and proceed to prototype for usability testing later. Wireframe Hi-Fidelity Design You can also try the prototype with the link below. https://www.figma.com/proto/OUk2N0yqb8JNpHqLDgghaY/UI-Design?page-id=94%3A214&node-id=234%3A3974&viewport=241%2C48%2C0.05&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=234%3A3974&show-proto-sidebar=1 User Research & Usability Testing Before testing, we determine respondent criteria, make a draft of the questions, and prepare a prototype that will be tested by the respondent. we do user research and usability testing through video conferences to save research costs. Stimulus Research You can check the full version of stimulus research on this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B_buHtX26Rxouz4PYJJaGNLGNmtUpwX7_7tbDPCZUwk/edit?usp=sharing Usability Testing We made 4 of the task that will be completed by respondents in usability testing. the task is to represent the features of the gold investment that we have made. Funding partners Gold investment Gold sales Withdrawal of funds deposits Improvement we make an Improvement based on feedback provided by respondents after doing usability testing.


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