Krealogi's Simple CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Development
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Krealogi as a business management application for Indonesian MSMEs, wants to add a Simple CRM (Customer Relationship Management) feature, which is user-friendly and according to the needs of its users. In this case study, my group starts from the Define stage, so there are only 4 stages that are passed in the Design Thinking process (Define, Ideation, Prototype, and Testing). We finally prioritized the Dashboard and Report features from the Ideation phase as features that will be developed in the Prototype and Testing phase for this study case. This is because these two features are MVP features that must exist for CRM. From the Testing phase, the design offered is sufficient to meet the needs of users regarding Simple CRM, the application is quite easy to use with a value of 6 based on the SEQ, and it is necessary to carry out iterations of what has been done now to achieve even better results. This is a journey and a very valuable experience for me, going directly to how to develop digital products from the beginning to the end, gaining basic knowledge in digital product development.
Nazri Adlani
Partner Challenge
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