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The idea of making the concept of UX Feature from Krealogi is initiated from the mini research on some small business owner who often uses online shopping platforms to sell his goods. Based on the results of research on one potential user, it was found that the user wanted a “super efficient and easy” platform to easier record user needs. Pain points experienced by user when using krealogi platform are that missing feature on platform, moreover the platform is only providing feature that, other activities such as Production Planning and Monitoring, Sales recording, Expense report, Inventory management. Krealogi doesn’t have some feature that simple CRM, Cash Flow Feature, and Integration with Logistic and Marketplace. By adding feature on Krealogi is expected to make users more comfortable in using the application in recording and selling goods on platform and have a good sales record. In terms of designing a product that is in accordance with the product vision that has been given, there are several stages that need to be done. In this case study, the steps taken follow the basic stages in the design thinking process
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